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Legal information

- Website (hereafter the " Website "): https://kundenkonto.stappert.at/

STAPPERT Fleischmann GmbH, a limited liability company, with registered office in 2524 Teesdorf , Gewerbepark B 17/I/ Objekt 1, Austria, registered under number FN 113004 h in the companies register of Landesgericht Wiener Neustadt, represented by Kristin Wollny, Thierry Philippe and Peter Kolz in their capacity as Managing Directors,

Telephone number: +43 2253 90313-0

E-mail address: fleischmann@stappert.biz

Commercial court: Wiener Neustadt regional court

Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce

VAT ID number: ATU17548900

Business purpose: Trade in iron, steel and semi-finished iron products.

Applicable professional regulations and access hereto: Austrian Trade Regulation (Gewerbeordnung), www.ris.bka.gv.at;

Supervising authority: Trade Authority (Gewerbebehörde)

Director of publication: Kristin Wollny

-  Design and production: JACQUET METALS Communications Dpt

- Host (hereinafter "the Host"): JACQUET METALS, a limited liability company (société anonyme) incorporated in France, registered with the Lyon Trade and Companies Register ("Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Lyon") under no. 311 361 489 RCS Lyon, whose registered office is at 7 rue Michel Jacquet, 69800 Saint Priest (France),

Telephone number: +33 4 72 23 23 50